Monday, June 11, 2007

Laying off employees & it’s survival techniques, Rath Yatra at New York, Raja festival falls on day after tomorrow, J o Bs update, Latest News

Headlines :
- Weekly News update from Orissa
- Laying off employees & it’s survival techniques, Managerial tricks of Laying off, How does it impact the rest, How to Cope With Getting Laid Off, Tips & Warnings, How to Fix a Bad Reputation in Professional and personal life.
- Rath Yatra in New York, US held on 31st may 2007 drew ocean of crowd.
- “Raja” the festival of swinging colors and rice cakes.
- Weekly J o b Update : Detailed at
1. Orissa News update : ( Detailed at )
- KIIT gets nod for MBBS and BDS courses
- Pentasoft, Bhubaneswar lines up Rs 1 bn expansion plans
- 20 Girls among top 21 in Orissa PUC results
- TCS Recruits more than 1100 students in Orissa
- Digital recording inaugurated in Kalinga Studio
- The skeleton of whale found in Gopalpur beach to be preserved for public view, taken to Satapada
- 4 students of BJB Junior College in the top 10
- BSNL launches new ITC for Rs. 50 in Orissa
- Gopalpur SEZ of Tata gets green signal
- Special drive to flush off Bangla infiltrators
- Tatas should shift car project to Gopalpur
- Hindustan Construction bags Rs 168 cr Tata Steel order for Orissa.
- Nalco bags EEPC export award
- Orissa Govt to set up small industries in 15 jails

2. Laying off employees & it’s survival techniques: ( Composed by Siba Ram Baral)

Not to surprise but laying off of IT employees has become a periodical culture of few IT companies. IT companies being grown up like mushrooms are highly prone to face economic disaster and hence to survive can drive a lay off. I felt the necessity of composing this mail as I think it’s high time we all should discuss about what is a lay off, plans and methods and survival techniques. Truly speaking now a days few Company management plays “Buzhkasi” with the employees. ( “Buzkhasi” is a game of Afghanistan where warriors on horse with sharp pointed swords in hand play with a goat or sheep following the rules of football. You can find this game in a hindi movie “Khuda Gawah” acted by Amitabh Bachhan)

What is a Lay off :
Company management terms it as Downsizing, right-sizing, but truly speaking it's all fantasizing on the part of management to think they're fooling anybody. If employees of the company are targeted in this chess game, it's a layoff. Here's how to survive one at your company.

Who gets laid off / Reasons of some one getting laid off:
Some companies have policy of laying off 10 percent of employees every year and replacing with fresh recruitments. Saying this it defines a big challenge for identifying people who can be laid off. Now let's see who becomes an easy pray to game.
1. Of course the first set of people are the ones who are less effective to the company. Means not that they are highly skilled, but the work what they do can also be done by some one with less pay.
2. Highly paid Employees who are not worth to the investment company does on them.
3. Employees having issues with attitude, etiquette, manners, punctuality, discipline, integrity, policy violation.
4. Skilled employee but company unable to provide adequate work assignment to him. Alternative to this can be out sourcing, but it should not be against company ethics and principles.

Managerial tricks of Laying off:
No one but Managers enjoys firing anyone, even when it's unavoidable. It won't be fun, but here's how they do this. Managers lay people off in two ways first being “troubling an employee to resign and go off” and second being “instant lay off by just saying some baseless reason”. In both the way they get a bad reputation but that’s why they get paid for.
1. Overload the target employee with everyone’s work, ensure that he stays till mid night every day and still unable to finish his task.
2. Give assignment to the target employee with dependencies on others, and tell others not to help him. then sue the target employee for not coordinating with others and not finishing the work.
3. Even though every one including the managers do this and know that others are doing so, sue the target employee telling that he used the office mail id to send personal mails.
4. Ignore all others wasting huge time, but on a fine Monday morning catch the target employee who just spends a mere total of 10 minutes per day and show him a statistics of how much he waste time per month and the productivity loss.
5. Practice sentences and phrases of beurocratic words to mentally harass the target employee everyday morning, intension being to kill his whole day's mood.
6. Spread a wrong message about character of the target employee among all his office mates, to let all others stay away from him and look at him with hatered. This will frustrate him and compel him to leave the j o b .
7. Even though the target employee is highly skilled and productive, but still rate him with minimum marks during appraisal times and ensure all other who may not be working gets higher marks of appraisal. This will make him feel under estimated.
8. Arrange team meetings, parties, outing on company's budget of course but intentionally don't call the target employee.
9. Engage few "Chamchas" to pin the target employee and motivate him to speak out something against the manager, then add this with salt and peeper and report to manager. Fire back at the target employee for saying all that.
10. Secretly engage some obedient one to tamper and spoil the work done by the target employee, and the next day sue the target employee for this.
11. Instruct the Technical department to tamper with the software and authentication of privileges in the target employee's system and once the desktop is not working, tell the target employee to finish an assignment quickly. If he can't sue him.
12. Tell the admin to verify the target employee’s documents of education, pre-employment, medical bills, house rent receipts, LTA bills. Any one of this found forged gets the way him out.
13. Tell the payroll department to trouble target employee in payments. Pay late, never pay, pay half, transfer his pay to some bank account which the employee is having issue with, pay by an out stationed post dated cheque, give him company shares worth of his pay, add unjustified terms and conditions only to that employee and cut off a major chunk of his pay, make him run 10 times for getting his pay, pay him once in five months and that too pay worth of one month only.
14. If some one is so strong and survives all the above tricks, just call him inside cabin and hand him over the lay off letter. Reason being "Nothing".

How does it impact the rest :
1. Find out how the workforce reduction will affect you. Although you may be relieved to still have a j o b , what that j o b is may be impacted significantly by the fact that certain co-workers are no longer around to do theirs.
2. Be proactive. Once you've looked at your new workload, spend some time with your manager figuring out how the work will get done with the department's newly reduced resource base.
3. Analyze your company's situation carefully before deciding to make a j o b change. The layoff may well be an indicator of poor economic performance, but it may also be just what the company needs to turn itself around, creating more opportunity for employees who stick out the tough times.

How to Cope With Getting Laid Off :
Losing a j o b is one of life's most stressful experiences. As more and more companies get "lean and mean," you may find yourself laid off, but you will survive.
1. Leave your place of work immediately. Even if you saw it coming, you are likely to be too upset to answer co-workers' questions. You can come back for your coffee mug.
2. Discuss your situation with your spouse and other family members who will be affected. Will your partner have to work overtime for a while? Can your college student get a part-time j o b to contribute to tuition costs?
3. Review your financial situation. You may have set aside what seemed like a reasonable amount for a "rainy day," but if your unemployment goes beyond a month or two, you may need to make some lifestyle adjustments.
4. Request a meeting with your company's HR representative. Find out if you're entitled to severance pay, unused vacation or personal days and how to continue your benefits and roll over your 401K. Find out how vested you are in the company's pension plan, if applicable.
5. Take advantage of any outplacement services your employer offers. Many companies now provide career assessment and counseling as well as use of company facilities such as personal computers, copiers and fax machines to aid in your j o b search.
6. File for unemployment compensation if you qualify. This may be a blow to your pride, but you and your family are entitled to such benefits, and meeting basic needs must come before pride.

Tips & Warnings :
- Get references in writing from your former supervisor, co-workers and the company personnel representative. Be sure the last includes a statement that the reason for your termination was a workforce reduction.
- Don't delay in handling the necessary paperwork to continue your benefits and roll over your retirement plan monies. There are strict, often short, time periods for doing these things; you snooze, you lose.
- Losing a j o b , even through no fault of your own, can be devastating. If your feelings of anger, sadness or helplessness persist beyond a few weeks, consider getting short-term therapy for depression.

How to Fix a Bad Reputation:
Perhaps the phrase conjures up visions of dueling at dawn, but the fact remains that a bad reputation is not to be taken lightly. At work, it can cost you business opportunities, j o b promotions and customer loyalty. It can hurt your private life as well. Here's how to mend a damaged reputation.

In your professional life ( Difficulty: Moderately challenging ):
1. Assess the substance of the bad reputation. Is there any truth to it? Or are you the victim of jealousy or whiners?
2. Seek a second or third opinion from trusted colleagues to determine if there is any validity to your bad reputation.
3. Reconsider your managerial style if you are in a position of leadership. Could you make subtle changes? Are you a good communicator and listener? Do you give clear instructions? Are raises overdue?
4. If you determine that you need to improve a personal attribute, make a commitment to yourself to change your ways.
5. Apologize to employees, clients or customers if you realize that your behavior or words have hurt your professional relationship, and let them know you will work hard to improve the situation.
6. Tell those around you that you're trying to improve. Others will be impressed if you can admit to your own flaws, and they might have some good pointers.
7. Perform one act every single day that counteracts your bad reputation.
8. If the bad reputation is not your fault, find out where it originates. Mention the rumors in a direct but non-confrontational way: "Burt, I heard that some folks think I am having an affair with Helen in graphics. I'm sure you know there's no truth to the matter." Most gossipmongers will clam up if confronted.

In your private life :
1. Examine the way you treat others. Is there any truth to the bad reputation?
2. Seek a second opinion from your spouse, a trusted friend or a therapist. Ask if they have recommendations and listen carefully to their answers.
3. If you determine that you need to improve a personal attribute, make a commitment to yourself to change your ways.
4. Apologize to loved ones whom you have hurt and let them know you will work hard to improve the relationship.
5. Tell others that you're trying to improve. They can hold you to your commitment even when you lapse.
6. Perform one act every single day that counteracts your bad reputation.
7. If you are the victim of malicious gossip, address its source. Be firm yet non-confrontational. The gossiper is probably jealous, and if you respond with anger or emotion, it will delight him or her no end.

Hope the above piece of information adds value to your career. Please feel free to revert back to us on this. We are always here to help you. Good luck. Jai Jagannath.....

Siba Ram Baral
9 8 4 5 7 6 0 8 4 8

3. Rath Yatra draws crowd in New York

On 31st May 2007 A Rath Yatra (chariot festival) of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra organised by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) drew hundreds of people in New York.

The festival, the 31st held here Saturday, is modelled after the Rath Yatra organised every year in Puri, Orissa, by the famed Jagannath temple there. During the festival, the temple deity is taken out in a procession on a decorated chariot. Worshippers come and pull the chariot to express their devotion.

One of the highlights of the procession in New York was a mobile exhibition depicting India's spirituality and culture, Desi Talk, an ethnic magazine reported. It featured cultural performances, showcasing the rich traditions of India.

In 1976, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the worldwide Hare Krishna Movement, inaugurated the New York City version of the procession. It has been celebrated annually since then and has become a New York summer tradition.

Indian handicrafts and books were available for sale during the event. The festival also featured presentations on the Bhagavad Gita, one of the holiest Hindu scriptures, by Joshua M Greene, an author and lecturer on religion from Hofstra University.

4. “Raja” Festival starts on 14th of this month.
Raja Sankranti (Swing festival) or "Mithuna Sankranti" is the first day of the month of 'Asara' from, which the season of rains starts. It inaugurates and welcomes the agricultural year all over Orissa, which marks, through biological symbolism, the moistening of the summer parched soil with the first showers of the monsoon, thus making it ready for productivity.

Welcoming the Monsoon
To celebrate the advent of monsoon, the joyous festival is arranged for three days by the villagers. Though celebrated all over the state it is more enthusiastically observed in the districts of Cuttack, Puri and Balasore. The first day is called "Pahili Raja" (Prior Raja), second is "Raja" (Proper Raja) and third is "Basi Raja" (Past Raja).

According to popular belief as women menstruate, which is a sing of fertility, so also Mother Earth menstruates. So all three days of the festival are considered to be the menstruating period of Mother Earth. During the festival all agricultural operations remain suspended. As in Hindu homes menstruating women remain secluded because of impurity and do not even touch anything and are given full rest, so also the Mother Earth is given full rest for three days for which all agricultural operations are stopped.

Significantly, it is a festival of the unmarried girls, the potential mothers. They all observe the restrictions prescribed for a menstruating woman. The very first day, they rise before dawn, do their hair, anoint their bodies with turmeric paste and oil and then take the purificatory bath in a river or tank. Peculiarly, bathing for the rest two days is prohibited. They don't walk bare-foot do not scratch the earth, do not grind, do not tear anything apart, do not cut and do not cook. During all the three consecutive days they are seen in the best of dresses and decorations, eating cakes and rich food at the houses of friends and relatives, spending long cheery hours, moving up and down on improvised swings, rending the village sky with their merry impromptu songs.

The Melody Of The Festivity
The swings are of different varieties, such as 'Ram Doli', 'Charki Doli', 'Pata Doli', 'Dandi Doli' etc. Songs specially meant for the festival speak of love, affection, respect, social behaviour and everything of social order that comes to the minds of the singers. Through anonymous and composed extempore, much of these songs, through sheer beauty of diction and sentiment, has earned permanence and has gone to make the very substratum of Orissa's folk-poetry.

While girls thus scatter beauty, grace and music all around, moving up and down on the swings during the festival, young men give themselves to strenuous games and good food, on the eve of the onset of the monsoons, which will not give them even a minute's respite for practically four months making them one with mud, slush and relentless showers, their spirits keep high with only the hopes of a good harvest. As all agricultural activities remain suspended and a joyous atmosphere pervades, the young men of the village keep themselves busy in various types of country games, the most favourite being 'Kabadi'. Competitions are also held between different groups of villages. All nights 'Yatra' performances or 'Gotipua' dances are arranged in prosperous villages where they can afford the professional groups. Enthusiastic amateurs also arrange plays and other kinds of entertainment.

Culinary Delights
The special variety of cake prepared out of recipes like rice-powder, molasses, coconut, camphor, ghee etc. goes in the name of "Poda Pitha" (burnt cake). The size of the cake varies according to the number of family members. Cakes are also exchanged among relatives and friends. Young girls do not take rice during the three-day festival and sustain only with this type of cake, fried-rice ('Mudi') and vegetable curry.

5. J o bs at Nilachakra. ( Now
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Hope we all find these pieces of information to be nutritive and will also feel free to share across similar flavors from your end. Please mail us at for communicating any valuable suggestions, advices, issues, concerns and/or inclusion of information, materials, stuffs and inputs from your end. Have a nice day ahead ......"jai jagannath"

( cultivating culture )

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